Trinity in mental hygiene

“At the time, all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it. HEB 12:11 

Photo by Jonathan Meyer from Pexels
The benefits of a spiritual, mindful awareness and self-coaching practice is likened to showering, brushing teeth and applying lotion. It is mental hygiene. Scripture fills my mind with the good news, mindfulness teaches me non-judgement presence and self-coaching helps me to evaluate my area of control to create the results I want.

It takes discipline to commit to these practices. I would encourage you to start with one first. My progression began with scripture, then mindfulness, then self-coaching, but I believe your best plan will be the modality you are drawn to most. Today, I could not imagine one without the other. In fact, I will often comment that self-coaching is the application of the bible and mindful awareness is the canvas where we begin.

The stories within the bible give examples of difficulty and hope. It illustrates the human condition filled with joy and pain. I have read the same stories many times and every year I receive something different. And it does not take much time, in fact, it can be accomplished in 15-20 minutes.

I subscribe to the daily email from for the Gospel. At minimum, I will practice mindful awareness for five minutes and it takes me another 5 minutes to empty my mind with a thought download. A thought download is where you write anything that comes to mind on paper without censorship or judgement. It allows you to see what is there, often like turning on the lights in a messy room. A thought download is the starting point in self-coaching, from there, we can identify your mindset which is not useful or even harmful to your goals and develop new sentences which can motivate greater actions.

I encourage you to develop these three practices. It has been the game changer in my life and a true blessing. I am happy to share my practice and would be honored to take you through a free consult call. My only request is that you are open and willing. Where will you be a year from today with the trinity in mental hygiene?

ox Anna

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