Be still and know that I am God! PSLM 46:11

Photo by Lukas from Pexels
I was an anxious child, college student and employee. I grew up with eczema, this was the tell-tale sign I had something on my mind, in fact, with each doctor’s appointment, I would be asked, “are you experiencing any stress?” My internal voice would say of course, but my external voice would say, “of course not, why would I be stressed out.” Outwardly, I played the part of a calm, collected, together individual. I ran, practiced yoga, went to church. But there was always unrest in my mind. I could not pinpoint why I struggled so much. I was in constant combat with my skin and my weight. I distracted myself with many things as a way to stop the mental drama.

My mother once told me that as a child, play would distract me from my itchy skin. So I learned the technique to distract myself as a way to cope with the discomfort in my life. How can one know if the technique we use is working? It is in the results we create from those techniques. I was still highly sensitive, my skin would flare, and my weight would fluctuate drastically. I always knew life should not be this hard.

About 10 years ago I came across the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) and began an irregular mindful practice. I would go when convenient, with long breaks in between. If you are new to a mindful practice, you will find on MARC’s website a podcast of the weekly drop in mindful sessions, I highly recommend their guided practice.

This leads me to my weight loss journey. In 2017, I decided that I would lose my excess weight in a more permanent effort. I would evaluate my thinking, my eating, and my habits. I adopted a daily practice of just 5 minutes in the morning. I honestly believed that I could spare no more. Mindful awareness is not merely staying quiet for 5 minutes. You become present with what is without judgement. One technique to become present is to focus on the body, as the body is always present, it is the mind that likes to wander.

Try this for a moment, let your mind track your breath, entering your nose or mouth, passing your throat, to your chest, perhaps your diaphragm, then releasing. Your brain will want to distract you with happenings from the past or plans for the future. Your goal is to stay present, and when your brain distracts you, with a non-judgement cue, you return to your breath, the present moment. I like to use the cue, “wandering,” then gently come back to the present.

Mindful awareness is a powerful in that you become tuned into your body. When I teach my clients the tools for permanent weight loss, we explore what happens within at the cellular level. It is the mind-body connection that unlocks your potential. It has been said that there is a cellular memory, you may have heard the term muscle memory. There is power in watching your body, to turning inward and releasing the stored fat within your cells. I know this can be hard to believe, but what if it was the answer to your weight loss goal? Let’s explore this together. I have availability for a free 30 minute session, contact me to set up a call.

ox Anna