About me

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My name is Anna and I am a Life Coach working in the Tech Industry.

I am a daughter of a career military soldier and a nurse. I am a Catholic and a lay reader in my church. I am a wife and have worked full time in corporate and university. I am a volunteer and philanthropist that organizes a marathon campaign. Like you, there are so many facets to who I am.

I have worked over 20 years in the tech industry. I work with very smart people. I also work with people with very heavy burdens. My role over my career has been in performance and productivity. I help individuals reach their career goals, and sometimes at the expense of one's health.

This new venture I am undertaking is working with the whole person. I want my clients to succeed in career and to also have the life to enjoy their work.

In the not so distant past, I let stress, overwhelm, and anxiety dictate my day. I started to dread Mondays and would call in sick, because I was actually sick. I also had a health scare. This made it very real for me; I needed to change for the sake of my health.

I hired a coach and with mindfulness, neuroscience and prayer, lost 50 pounds and a new direction in my career.  

My practice is called Chiara Coaching.

Chiara is for clarity. Chiara came to me after the death of my father.

He worked hard all his life and had many great ideas. He had excess weight too and carried so much burden. I also believe that his work broke him down a bit, much like how so many of us struggle with colleagues, bosses, budgets, and projects. He did what he had to do to raise 6 kids. Often like in my father's case, our health is the last to be broken before changes are made.

I believe that we can have the career we want and be at our healthiest weight. Work and life can be challenging, but eliminating the drama over food has been a game changer. I am no different than you. I love working hard, getting things done and feeling good. I learned how to coach myself and I want to teach you the tools.

I am Chiara Coaching.