What is Chiara Coaching?

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. LK 9:22-25 

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In 2016, my husband and I visited Assisi, Italy. It is a beautiful, medieval, hillside town overlooking the 100 shades of green across the valley. We stayed across the lawn of the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi in a small hotel with windows that opened up to the church. It was in that church that Chiara Coaching came to me.
I had wanted so much more in my life and in my career. Five years prior I would undergo the most challenging time in my life. As a result, I gained weight on my already large frame. I continued to work as I visited numerous doctors and clinics. Working while managing my health and wellness proved to be exhausting. I had no respite.

Prior to that, I was an anxious, nervous, overwhelmed, overburdened, high achieving, people pleasing, exhausted employee. I received great reviews, moved around my stable career, and people liked me. I did not like myself, more or less.

Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful for my life, I was blessed, I had so much to be thankful for, I even came a long way for a small town girl. I felt guilt and even shame for not liking myself and wanting a different life. How could I be so ungrateful?

Fast forward, in lower floor of the Basilica of St. Francis, I heard St. Clare, the first female follower of St. Francis call me. No one should suffer for the life that they live. I had learned of my father suffering at the hands of his work and his managers. Why must some torture those that they work with? It was hard to fathom. All I knew was there was something I need to do, that was Clare, in Italian, Chiara, pronounced key-ar-ah.

My mission became to provide relief to those that suffer at work. It showed up advocating for wellness in the workplace, mental health initiatives such as coaching, and more recently fostering positive working relationships, developing careers and teams. I love working with individuals in weight loss because through coaching, clients learn a meta skill to build a satisfying career. Most people I meet openly share that they want to lose 5-50 pounds, fewer people admit to suffering at work for fear that they may be viewed as weak. But through weight loss coaching, we uncover real solutions, we find clarity. I found Chiara. My mission is to share this clarity with anyone that suffers at work, advocating for wellness, physical and mental health.

Today, my body and mind are strong. My work is rewarding. I love Chiara Coaching. Let me show you.

ox Anna