
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels
I remember my visit to the home of Elizabeth, Ein Karem, the place of the visitation. At the top of a steep hill is a beautiful garden and church. Tn this story, the child within, recognizes the divine. I am reminded that each of us caries the divine within. 

Let me say that again. We all carry the divine within.

I am also reminded of Marianne Williamson famous quote which goes something like, our deepest fear is that we are more powerful beyond measure.

I wonder often nowadays. I think about you that may be reading this, what you must be facing right now. I also think about when you reach our to me and let me know that you were moved by these words. Oh, how I do feel the energy within me also leap.

That is the power of connection.

I know if you, by chance are reading a blog by a life coach, you are searching for perhaps meaning, perhaps, insight to your problems, perhaps a new idea. I encourage you to not let that desire to stay within, but to let it out. It is calling you to talk, meet, and engage. I do believe that when we engage with each other (even us introverts), we become blessed. We can gain hope. We can perhaps move forward with our dreams.