How can this be?

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Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

Yesterday, Zechariah questions the angel, “How will I know?” He was silenced, but today, Mary also questions the angel. I ponder how these questions were asked. I wonder if it has to do with Zechariah is trying to understand in his mind, whereas Mary is trying to understand in her body? I am just taking a stab here. Let me think this through, because this may be a helpful distinction for you.

I teach that our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings create our actions. It is the energy in our body that moves us to action. The feeling is the body’s chemical expression of our thoughts. Once Mary accepts the angel’s explanation, she says “May it be done according to your word.”

Here are two examples, Mary is innocent, whereas Zechariah is very learned. How hard is it to accept our place in this world? Can you say let it be done according to your word?

But let me take this a little further, Mary is accepting not her present place, but what God is speaking to her future. If you have been given a call or new direction, do not accept your present circumstances as the end. I honestly believe that stops all personal growth or evolution. At least this is what was my case.

I felt a call to my future, but I could not get past my present circumstance. I felt maybe I am supposed to be here, then why am I so torn to be over there? It was truly a struggle that I felt and I see among those I work with. I agree that it can be a bit mind-bending.

It is a very fine line to accept your present circumstances but be in your future. This, I believe, is where evolution within occurs.