Which is easier?

Photo by pixabay.com from Pexels
Which is easier, to say [to a paralyzed person], 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise and walk'?

I lost 50 pounds in 2017, and I have kept this weight off which is an amazing accomplishment by any yo-yo dieters standards. I am 100% confident that I will keep the weight off, this new belief I have adopted feels very different, and I would say it has taken me about a year to really believe it.

The funny thing is that, my weight loss to the public seems so all of a sudden, even today, people are surprised when they see me in person. So for about a year now, I have been asked how did I lose the weight. People want to know exactly the steps I took to lose the weight. They want to know how much I exercise and what I do and don’t eat.

When I say, I worked on my mindset, I am given blank stares. Of course, to lose weight I have to have worked out, run, or eat celery… (I am being ironic). What if what I ate or what I did has nothing to do about my weight loss?

1. I did not increase my workouts.
2. I did not count calories.
3. I learned how to love myself.
4. I learned to listen to my body.
5. I did what I said I would do.
6. And when I did not, I forgave myself.

If you are looking for a different way to lose the weight, I encourage you to contact me for a free discovery session.