
Photo by Kaat Houben from Pexels
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.”

I think about you who want to lose 50 pounds. This can be a challenging time. All the gatherings and festivities. Sometimes there is loneliness, even among the presence of others. Tomorrow is the 4th Sunday of Advent, then we go right into Christmas.

When I think about you, I see how you offer so much to your family and friends, almost to the expense of yourself. Perhaps you are tired or overwhelmed. Perhaps you have many people to please. Then on the other hand, we have so much to be grateful for, and I do not want to take that from you. I do believe that you and I have so much to be grateful for.

I offer coaching to professional, Catholic women. I teach them three secrets that you must know to lose 50 pounds permanently.

My clients have shame, often body shame. I work with women that believe that God created them as they are, and that each of us are meant to be different. I believe God creates from love, and if you are feeling shame, that is not of God. Now losing 50 pounds may not be the answer, but you will never lose the weight if you continue to shame yourself.

The second is guilt. Again, I see how eating, shopping, and people pleasing created guilt in many of my clients. We use our faith as an excuse to feel guilt.

The third is a bit of rebellion. We don’t have our own back. We honor everyone’s schedule except our own. We say we will eat a certain way or signed up for a fitness class, but we let it slide.

I experienced this too. I remember when I started my personal journey to lose 50 pounds, I had to address my shame, guilt, and rebellion. You are not alone. I remember feeling unworthy in spending the money on myself to learn to love myself. It something so easy, we can turn to Mary for this internal motherly love. But what do you do when you just can’t get there?

The first thing I want you to know is that shame and guilt does not come from God. I also want to offer you that self-love will counter rebellion. It is possible to lose weight permanently. I know loving yourself can be quite challenging, but it is possible and you will see, that loving yourself will be so key in truly loving your neighbor.

I teach a different method. I teach you how to determine the root cause of your weight issue. I want to work with you. I absolutely believe if you have not done this before to try a different method. Give yourself 1 year. Let this be the year you lose your weight permanently. I want all you lovely ladies to feel the new infant Jesus within you, ready to emerge.

My prayer for you is that you too let your soul proclaim the goodness of the Lord.