Do not be afraid

Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels
One of the key teachings I offer in my coaching practice is that circumstances we find ourselves are neutral, it is our thoughts that give meaning to the circumstance and to who we are. Sometimes we make our circumstances mean we are wrong, we are unworthy, we are not enough. Sometimes we make our circumstances mean someone else is wrong, unworthy or not enough. The good news is that our thoughts are our choice. 

In this morning’s Gospel, Joseph betrothed to Mary learns that she is pregnant. He decides to divorce her quietly but then is visited by an angel of God who commands him to take her into his home.

I believe we are often given a word of direction when faced with a challenge. It is sometimes hard to hear in our very busy lives, but I can tell you that I will on occasion hear a voice loudly. However, if I am not paying attention, the message escapes me just as quickly as it appears. I started doing thought work, where I take the time to pay attention to all my thoughts and now through writing, have been able to hear God talk to me. I believe when language is used in love, it comes from God. If you are cursing your circumstances, ask yourself, who do you want to be in this moment? What would love do? Then quiet your mind and listen. Sometimes, it does not make any sense. Do you trust that voice, why or why not? Learning to trust that little voice takes time, because often we are listening to the wrong one, one that does not speak love.

Dear Lord, I pray for those that read this message. That they may find grace in whatever circumstance they find themselves. I know managing health and wellness can be a very heavy burden, I ask that you give them the relief they need to carry on with the work they are meant to accomplish. I thank you for your love and light.