They ate and were satisfied

Photo by Flo Dahm from Pexels
They all ate and were satisfied.

How often do you eat and finish satisfied?

This is an odd question, I know. But think about it. When are you satisfied, content, pleased? I have many clients I work with on weight loss and satisfaction is often overlooked. Many eat until full, sometimes stuffed. In fact, I would argue to say that there are two identified feelings when it comes to my client’s bodily signals: starving and stuffed.

I don’t prescribe any diet plan, instead, I encourage my clients to get to know themselves. The work is more challenging, but the results are far more sustainable. For instance, I have four basics to sustainable weight loss. The first is to set a plan, second is drink water, third is sleep, and fourth is to eat until satisfied.

I teach my clients how to recognize their body signals on a 10-point scale. This 10-point scale requires them to really pay attention. On the hunger side we have -1, a whisper of hunger to -10, starving. (I can hear my client’s voice when she says that she was starving). Then satiety is 1, a whisper of satisfaction to 10, stuffed to the throat. I encourage my client to eat from -2, just over a whisper to 2, satisfied. I often refer this as “eat 2 to 2.” Sometimes I encourage my client to go to -3, or, -5; what are their body signals, notice how the mind nags at you to eat, what if you go to -6, what does the mind say now?

It’s curious to watch the mind. Our culture has taught us to not go hungry. I encourage my clients to go hungry, often I find that this is where we not only learn about ourselves, but we hear what we are truly hungry for. Let me give you a hint – it’s usually not food.