How shall I know?

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Then Zechariah said to the angel, "How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years."

Confusion. One of the emotions I find my clients fall into is typically confusion. I can completely relate, I too fell into confusion and must coach myself. Even Zechariah questioned an angel of God. Zechariah was an elder of the church, I am certainly not.

When I meet my clients, they want to know all the steps. My teaching begins with the result. The challenge is to see the result at the beginning of the story; the beginning of your story.

One more thing, the beginning is not really the beginning of the story. There is a lot of history. For instance, Zechariah and his wife are old (his words). You may be old too (your words).

How can you have the result you want given your advance age and never having done it before?

That is where God begins.

That is also where you begin. We start where we are. We trust the word given in your heart, your mind. There is some energy within you that says it is possible. Can you trust that word?

Can you see the end before you even start?

The angel takes away the voice of Zechariah, temporarily. Perhaps you can make this mean to quiet all the confusion that comes out of your mouth. Confusion can come out as complaining. Confusion can come out at questioning.

With less than one week to Christmas, let us challenge ourselves to silence negative words. Let this be your meditation, and ponder, how will you know you have fulfilled your goal?