What do you see?

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What do you see?

What do you want to see?

Blessed are the eyes that see.

To create a future, you must see it.

Advent is the time for anticipation. Remember your childhood wondering what would be under the tree Christmas morning? Some of you may.

What was that feeling created by the wonder? It is a precious feeling. It is a feeling filled with hope and anticipation.

Today is a good day to see in your mind's eye, what you want to create for the future. Take a moment to write to your future self.

For me, I want to help 500 women define what healthy means to them. I want to show these women how to show up in their work with love and vitality. I want to be an example of living the life I was meant to live, perfect in my own imperfection. I want to share the peace and joy I experience when the work is complete and when the work is a challenge. I want to share my knowledge, wisdom and help others uncover their own wisdom, holding themselves accountable to their word.

What is it that you want?

What is it that you want to see?