Do you believe?

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“Do you believe I can do this?”

I remember my 1st time meeting my coach in person. She asked, “if I pulled my brain and put it in your head, how long would it take to reach your goal?”

That question puzzled me. I believed in my coach. What she said would be done. Why could I not believe in myself, in the same way?

It’s human nature to look for the answers outside of ourselves. If this then that... but how often are we willing to go all in on ourselves. Often, far less, why? Well in my experience it lets us off the hook. If a pill did not work, if the relationship did not work out, if the boss did not work out. What is the solution is in you all along? What if you are in control of your own future, your own destiny?

Then who do you have to blame?

I want to reframe that.

I believe we are all figuring it out. When things don’t work out, that is data. That is so good, it’s one way to stop doing that one thing. There are so many ways to reach your goal, the key is to unlock the many solutions available. But first... do you believe?

Wait... are you willing to believe? Do you want to believe? Let’s start with where you are and be open to the possibility that with will believe.

My answer, “Yes!”