The Nativity

Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels
One of my traditions that I love to do at Christmas is to watch the Nativity Story (It is on Amazon Prime, and I am sure everywhere you watch videos). It shows the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. 

At the beginning of Advent, I wrote that this season is about joyful waiting, anticipation. We are waiting the Christ child. I think about all the circumstances that Jesus came into this world and why on earth would God become man.

In the nativity story, it clearly was not an easy journey, beginning with the genealogy, then the chosen parents, the land, politics, and oppression. I wonder how this can relate to your story, how you came to who you are today.

We all have a story, a past, and a future. We also have the present, what we make these stories mean. I have a love and appreciation of the drama in the birth of Jesus because I know the end of the story already.

In our lives, we can’t possibly know the end of our story and perhaps the drama of our past or present becomes unbearable.

Contemplative prayer suggests that when we read scripture to identify with one of the perspectives in the passage and meditate in either the words or actions. In the nativity story, I think about the journey to get to the moment that Jesus was born. So much has already happened, but that is just the beginning.

This is just the beginning.

You have been nurturing an idea over the past 3 weeks. Then we have 12 days of Christmas, where we will be filled with joy with the gift of love.

The Christmas season ends with Epiphany. May you be filled with Christ’s love these 12 days of Christmas.