Good News

Photo by from Pexels
This is the third Sunday of my blog. Whoop, Whoop!

I hope that you are enjoying this. I was tasked to write for 30 days, but I made a personal goal to write for 365 days. When I was little, my mom would call us “O.A.” It meant that we were over acting. Then in college, with all my smart, science major, dorm friends, I actually dubbed it over achieving. We had a saying among us, when we would go to class we would say, “Go for the A!” To this day it still makes me laugh, especially as my coach often says to me, B- work which means get the work done with the typos and put out your message.

Nowadays, I coach on "O.E.," over eating.

I coach using scripture, mindfulness, and neuroscience. My background is in psychology, adult learning, and organizational development. I have worked in corporate and academia in technical organizations for over 20 years. My primary role at my day job has been in helping people do their work better, and saw a bigger need.

I saw people with unnecessary suffering, challenging relationships, difficult or delayed projects. I noticed how my colleagues would cope with challenges, and often at the expense of their health.

I am pretty open in advising people, if fact, it is the nature of my work and my birth order (oldest daughter with 5 siblings). I love telling people what to do, but I can see how that can be a hard pill to swallow.

So what is the good news?

As a coach, I show my client’s their mind. I don’t have to tell them what to do. Often, in one session, just seeing their own mind is enough to change behavior.


Yes, it’s so true.

If you have never worked with a coach and would like to see what this is all about, contact me for a free discovery session. I love coaching. I was trained by the best school, The Life Coach School, that’s, don’t forget the “The.”

ox Anna

PS. Thanks for reading despite the typos and errors.