Happy New Year!

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I am Catholic and observe Advent. Advent is the New Year in the Catholic Calendar.

I honor your tradition if you practice another way or religion.

However, I felt that I would love to share my own experience with being Catholic, and loosing weight, getting a promotion, making more money.

If you are not Catholic, you are welcome here. And if you become uncomfortable with the sharing of my faith, I will not be offended if you leave. If you have questions or want an alternative explanation or more secular example, please ask. I want to help you.

That being said, I do practice the Catholic tradition, however I am influenced by many cultures and traditions, science and nature.

I want you to question what I write and find the truth within yourself. My belief is how we think and feel can be very different within a culture, within a family, even within a household.

I am tasked to begin a blog. My goal was to begin today with Advent, the first day in the Catholic calendar. My goal, is that this page becomes more developed as time passes. Please come back, perhaps you will find an "About me" page... and all those other pages typically found so you may more easily work with me.

I love the Advent season because it is about hope and preparation for the new life. In business December is a great time to plan for the next year. If you want to set big goals, such as loosing weight, December is a great time to plan as well.

As I kick off my blogging, and in preparation of the new life, I want you to dream, what would your life be like at your goal? I want you to envision your new life, all the nuances. What are you feeling? Let’s get a clear end picture.

Today at the start of my posts, and going back to my beginning let’s start at your beginning and dream what is possible. (Or even what is impossible)