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“I tell you that your teacher has already come, and you did not recognize her but did to her whatever you pleased.”

I love coaching. I love my coaching community. I love my pastor and my church community. I love my mentor and my boss. I have many teachers that I recognize as my teacher. It is a wonderful thing to have many teachers.

But what about those teachers that I do not recognize?

Say what?

I struggle with some family members. I don't have the relationship I would dream about as a child. I feel distant and often ignored. I found comfort in foods. I sometimes hid foods. Food brought me peace. 

I live a very busy life. I work about 10 hours a day, then have additional commitments such as my coaching practice and clients, my volunteer commitments, and my family. I would blame my schedule for my poor eating habits.

I would also sometimes have to work on projects that I did not enjoy, the project owner would be a challenge to work with, I did not like how he communicated with me and just saw him as ineffective. I did not blame him for my eating habits, but still found myself either going to the café near the office or running to the vending machines.

Then there are all the things, the laundry, the dishes, the cooking, the cleaning… so many things. It’s no wonder I could not lose weight; how can I possibly manage a weight loss routine with all the things.

Finally, I was uncomfortable just being by myself, I was uncomfortable being social, I was accustom to telling myself off for doing something wrong, berate myself for being too slow.

How is my family or schedule my teacher? How is my colleague or that project my teacher? How are ALL the things my teacher? How am I my own teacher?

Do you recognize the teachers you have been given?

Who is the most challenging person you have in your life? Those are your best teachers.

xo Anna