How can this be?

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Have you ever questioned how you could reach an impossible goal? Ahhh, first of all, who makes impossible goals? This is not a trick question. I never heard the idea of creating impossible goals until I actually did something that I at one time believed was impossible.

What is so impossible about losing 50 pounds? First of all, statistically speaking, 95% regain their weight. There is a 5% chance that I will maintain my weight loss. I just checked google, and the figures are still the same. So... why lose the weight in the first place?

Yeah, that was the question I asked myself a couple years ago. I really did not want to lose the weight again. I wanted to work on body image. I have learned that I could not keep the weight off and I disappointed myself each time the weight came back.

So in 2016, I had no plans to lose any weight. In fact, I stopped weighing myself, except at doctor's office. But I did have to do something about my stress. I was working long hours (nothing unusual). I live in Los Angeles, most people are stressed. Driving is stressful, work is stressful, even maintaining friendships can be stressful. I believe that stress is the primary contribute to lifestyle diseases.

How would I manage to keep stress a bay? This is when I started looking into hiring a coach. I found a weight loss coach and she made it sound like how could I not go all in loose the weight for good. She sold me on myself.

But there was so much doubt. This is called cognitive dissonance.

Your brain is believing in the old paradigm and the new possibility.

Let this sit for a moment.

You want to lose 50 pounds. You work all day and then with your family or personal commitments in the evening. When will you have the time to lose 50 pounds?

It starts in the mind. This is why I love Advent. Advent is preparation for new life. Right now, I want to you ponder. Beginning January 1, I will share my life experiment losing 50 pounds here in this blog. December 2016, it was just an idea, I thought wouldn't it be nice to lose 20 maybe 30 pounds.

I will be taking new clients in January, if you want to lose 50 pounds permanently, I urge you to contact me now. You can do it. You can keep it off for good.