The night before Christmas

Photo by from Pexels
I love the reading where Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, prophesied over his son. You will go before the Lord and prepare the way.

That is how I think about you. You do amazing things. You are sharing your gifts to those around you to prepare the way of the Lord. My Christmas wish is that you believe that you will prepare the way of the Lord. You were called by name.

Many of my clients feel unworthy, I get that, I was in the same place. It was a strange position to feel blessed and cursed by my life. I knew I had so much to be grateful for, but I longed to be a different person. It is as if there was a battle in my mind.

I want you to know that the sole purpose of our human brain is survival, and our brain is just keeping ourselves alive. Additionally, we were called by God, to recognize the divine.

We are not in the time where our primitive ancestors relied on our primitive brain for survival, so not to be eaten by a saber-tooth tiger. Today, so much of the need for safety comes from social fears (unless you live in a dangerous environment). Perhaps you experience assaults from thoughts like, I am not pretty, I am not smart, I am awkward and unlovable.

What if you are wrong? Then what would you do?

Tomorrow is Christmas, the child Christ is born. How do you allow the new life to live in your life? Perhaps it is to let go of the lies you tell yourself, and begin to live in the light of truth.

My brain immediately goes to the end of the story, where Pilot asks, “What is the truth?”

Let’s both figure it out together this upcoming year.

Merry Christmas.