Say the word

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In my daily blog, I had imagined reading the Gospel for my inspiration. So I start today where Jesus meets the centurion, a leader in the army, who believes and say, "let it be said and it will be done."

My coach says the same thing, she says, "once I write it down, it's as good as done."

I can honestly tell you, I am not there yet. However, I can also say that imperfection still works.

I had set some major goals over the last 2 years beginning my coaching practice. I had come short on so many of them. I was imperfect in my execution, and although my goals were not met, what I have today far exceed what I believed was possible.

There is value in just saying the word. What is it that you want? So often, we can't even say it. It sounds vain, egotistical, greedy, or un-Christian.

I have learned, when we do things from love we can have tremendous results our behaviors are expansive, connections are made. And when we do things from fear, the results are restrictive, there may be negative byproducts, connections are broken.

You will know the difference, perhaps if not now in time. I encourage you to say the word, what is it that you want? Make it know to yourself first, and then perhaps, you will create the courage to say it out loud.